Friday, April 18, 2008

Fifth assignment

the most obvious metephore in my book is the main character, alex. i believe that he is a metaphore of human nature and the deep guilty pleasures of the average person. alex speeks about how when people are good people they enjoy it and it works for them so why can't it be the same for those who are bad. if it makes them happy why is it that poeple look down on them because of it. i believe that there is a part in everyone that craves a little evil. maybe not as extreeme as what alex does or maybe it is for you, but of course we cant express it, becasue its not right.

i beleive that the laced milk that they drink is an important elemnent. when alex talks about the stabbing of the milk in his stomache he's going to or is already doing a violent act. i think that it gives his that extra wanting to be all loco and hurt people. so in a way they feed of the energy that the milk gives them but in a bad way.

the music that alex listens to is a symbol. in the paper that he read it said that if the younger peple listened to more orchestrated classical music they would be more respectful and they would just be better kids in general, the only thing about that is that classical orchestra music is all that alex listens too and just like his laced milk, listening to his music is in a way like a fix for him. when he's in a fight it plays in his head and when hes had a long night of vadalizing and violence hes listens to that. he has this huge respect for music but thats really all the has respect for.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Third Assignment

1. the book that i am reading is unlike anything i have ever read before. even though it really is so different i believe that there are parts of it that can relate to other stories when you took a better analyzing look. the reason why its so different is because the author uses this different language. he also writes the character alex so good that its disturbing how messed up this kid is!

Friday, March 7, 2008

second assignment

1. i believe that main character is this guy named Alex. and judging on what i have read so far this guy is a pretty sketchy guy. he likes to be messed up on some sort of drug, basically whatever he can get his hands on and he likes to commit violent crimes and have no remorse whats so ever. this Alex guy does all of this with his three other friends dim, Paul and Georgia. "Our pockets were full of deng, so there was no real need from our point of view of casting any more pretty polly tolchock some old veck in an alley and viddy him swim in his blood while we counted the takings and divided by four, nor to do the ultra-violent on some shivering starry grey-haired ptitsa in a shop and go smecking off with the till's guts. But, as they say, money isn't everything.

2. when i compare myself to Alex it's hard to find similar quality's that we both posses because of how bad of a person he is. Alex loves to hurt people, steal, have sexy time, and get messed up on whatever he can get his hands on. mostly laced milk. one thing that we have in common is the love for money. i like to have money because i grew up with not very much. but i don't got to the extreme like Alex and his gang by stealing it and hurting innocent people. thats where were are different but the same. we both have passion and desire, but we go about it in different ways.

3. if i was Alex i would picture a dirty city. just a dirty environment in general. trash on the streets, trashy girls. i would smell like a musky garbage smell walking down the street. i would taste a nasty taste in my mouth. like a sour taste. probably because the laced milk they drink and the fact that i wouldn't doubt it if these boys didnt keep up on their hygiene.

Friday, February 29, 2008

the first assignment!!!

I finally chose a book!!! it took me forever honestly. The book i have chosen is "A Clockwork Orange" by anthony burgess. This book is about these teenage boys who get crunk and tare up the streets with violence. i didnt read the rest of the summary because i dont want to spoil the book :)
i picked this book because it was one of the few that actually got me interested. for some reason id rather read a book about mischiff and violence then a love story.
so lets hope its evrything im expecting out of it! and if not.. im pullin out the spark notes!